
Thursday 21 March 2013

Everything about the coal

Everything  about the coal
the coal in a chemical reaction when the temperature is relatively low, it would be black blocks known coal properties depend on the material record and the circumstances of its formation, and contain different types of coal quantities of impurities that affect the properties .. Indeed, it is difficult to ascertain whether these impurities are mixed carbon or some of them associated closely chemically It is well known that the process of roasted any substance in stages, whether it is this interaction with industrial methods or in nature, wood in isolation from the air, for example like largely decomposition of organic materials and burn it underground after a long period of time, it is difficult to study in both cases steps or mechanical interactions that occur ... Usually defined those articles charred carbon ", and some economic importance .. The types of coal:" * "coal" * "coal is sedimentary rock for color, black or brown, composed of remnants of plants and mineral substances, combustible and giving thermal energy., Coal Stone more fossil fuels widespread in the earth's crust. and resides coal in layers with other types of sedimentary rocks, stone and sand stone mud. and resides in the coal residue leaves plants and wood and even roots. containing coal on: almost 90% of carbon. . -: be coal: - a. fall of large quantities of plants, and accumulation at the bottom of the swamp, and buried quickly with sediment other sand and mud. and by bacteria Anaerobic decompose organic compounds plant in part, any of increased concentration of the element carbon and lose them oxygen and hydrogen. These are called plant material analyst partly بالخث "peat" b. buried peat under the cover of sediments to a depth stop him antimicrobial activity. and the temperature rises and increases the pressure the greater the depth of burial, helping to save the peat and the expulsion of gases from him. and lead chemical reactions to increase the proportion of carbon, and this process is called Baltvhm, including producing coal brown "," c. process continues smut increasing depth of burial consists coal steel. d. Eventually, high temperature and pressure to a large degree out most of the hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen from coal former, It consists coal Alantra_i. "anthracite" -: coal mining: - very hard to extract coal bed dislodging what topped rocks and sandy mud, where it dug a tunnel from the surface of the mountain using drilling machines own, so access to the coal bed Vteixr and packed in trucks and transported out of the tunnel. -: preparing coal for use: - If, the coal is composed of organic materials are burning, and metal materials can not be burned. constitute metallic materials 10% -35% of the mass of coal. If he uses coal directly in the burn may cause these metal components some environmental problems. yours preferred purification of coal from its components metal before burning. and are refining a number of ways the most important way Chapter mechanical - gravitational - for metals. ranging mineral density that exist in coal from 2 g / cc to 5 g / cc. while ranging density coal pure than 1.3 g / cc to 1.7 g / cc. and used to separate these components water dissolved when some salts, or a solution commentator, which contains particles are very accurate, and density as high as metal Almagnat. and commonly used special equipment to complete the separation process. these devices contain cylinders revolving around itself. After obtaining coal pure dried and used in burning or in the production of coke, which is used in the manufacture of iron and steel. -: uses coal: - used coal in several areas including: the power station, and an old was used in the conduct of trains and ships steam. and because of the difficulty the use of coal for the purposes of everyday life take place some attempts and experiments to convert it to liquid fuel or gas user-friendly. On the other hand, can take advantage of coal convert it to useful materials and precious, has entered this organic material in the manufacture of textiles and plastics, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, perfumes .. "*" wood charcoal (charcoal) "*" attend heating wood in isolation from the air and in curves of iron produces distillation Unlike for wood charcoal some important products acetic acetone and alcohol methyl ... wood charcoal material black porous ignite easily and glow for a certain period or fails burned only about 1% of the ash, which is free of sulfur. The presence of plant tissue in charcoal and stone indicates that they of vegetable origin. charcoal man-made heating wood, and black color caused by the presence element carbon, but the fact that charcoal lighter than wood because the wood loses the amount of water when converted into charcoal and increases pores in it., water in the wood is also responsible for the thick smoke when burned. The fact that coal is heavier than charcoal attributable to metal components that are found in coal does not exist in charcoal. -: how to make charcoal: - combines wood in piles and covered with dust and heat about ten days. are heating burn fraction of wood due to the entry a small amount of air. provides this part burning the rest of the wood heat for heated and converted into charcoal. To convert wood into charcoal needed to get rid of oxygen and hydrogen present in vehicles Wood Member (cellulose). This is done by chemical reaction so that tends oxygen and hydrogen of cellulose transformed into an organic compound New contains less oxygen and hydrogen, increasing the proportion of carbon in it. -: Uses: - use charcoal in direct combustion for energy. usually limited to use some domestic purposes or cooking or barbecue. The country where there is a surplus of wood forests, can be converted into charcoal and then used in some large projects كتوليد electricity. As the time combustion amount of charcoal longer than the time of combustion similar amount of wood, plant heating value greater than wood. therefore uses in the preparation and purification of some metals that require carbon pure somewhat, is used for example in the purification copper, also used in purifying the spirit of some oils, and medical purposes other ... and charcoal ability to absorb certain gases and therefore used in the work of convictions protective of toxic gases .. also recommends some collect peel nuts and it send it to a special center is converted to charcoal Excellent .. also uses charcoal factories sugar refining as absorbs color brown dirty raw sugar, as it uses a buffer between refrigerators to keep it0s cold because cheap price and poor plugged heat ... "*" bone coal (coal animal) "*" attend heating bones, after the disposal of fatty substances in private معوجات .. -: Hardware: - contains 90% of the impurities left behind ash after fires .. - : Uses: -
 The advantage of this coal for its ability to remove the colors of the solutions, especially in the sugar industry, and is also used in the work of black paint your leather products .. and supports the use of charcoal and charcoal bones in the absorption of gases or dissolved substances on their superior in adsorption of these materials on the surface coal, called coal in this case the name of "activated charcoal" and activity depends largely on the nature of the material, which concluded including coal, as well as the circumstances in which smut can be increased activism coal processing private in vacuum in the presence of some inorganic salts .. differ adsorption capacity of coal to different article the adsorbent that difficult not adsorb easily .. adsorption may result in a material increase in the chemical activity that uses charcoal as a catalyst in some chemical reactions ... "*" the soot "*" consists of soot when decomposition warming for many of gaseous hydrocarbons, and make them come igniting tar or oil bitumen or naphthalene or paraffin oil, in limited space of air-cooled flame resulting in appropriate ways .. as well as when burning camphor produce this type of coal used by competitors in shooting ranges for shading officer goal in their guns and widening it to burning camphor smoke .. -: Uses: - outputs used in large quantities in the preparation of granules paint in black ink printing presses and other ... "*" coke "*" results from the destructive distillation of coal .. components: 90% carbon , 1% hydrogen, 3% oxygen, 5,0 - 1% nitrogen, and fails to burning 5% of the ash ... burning coke Non-Smoker flame ... Uses: used as fuel as well as in the reduction of some metals as oxides in the preparation of iron example of its oxides in blast furnace .. "*" Coal waves ​​"*" is composed as a backward operations charring different materials and when destructive distillation of coal, resulting in decomposition of some gases rising on the necks waves ​​that is where distillation .. and characterized coal waves ​​ and plugged Electricity is used in electrical work brackets and poles a lot of electrical cells

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