
Thursday 21 March 2013

The phosphate Extracting

The phosphate Extracting
Phosphatic sediment dating site right to Akashat configuration (era Vertical section consists of these deposits of rock facies following (from bottom to top) (Figure 3): -

· Clay brown to black in color (1 meter).

· Stone clay Jerry Mtdelmt Supreme perforated surface (2 meters).

· Phosphate Dmgay Sri contain an abundance of coarse grained bones of a dark gray color of 0.3-0.7 meters.

· Limestone clamshell containing phosphate fossils (0.5-2 meters).

· Phosphate Dmgay, good screening, fine grained, gray in color, medium hardness contains solid Adissat in the middle and crisp or incoherently at the top, representing the major industrial class (9-15 m, average 11 m).

· Limestone clamshell cave gelling hostile Supreme phosphate (4.10 meters).

· Coarse grained phosphate Dolomiti (1 meter).

· Stone clay Jerry Mtdelmt contains a flint (10-20 meters).

· Clay Vosvaata, gray (1 meter).

· Limestone contains the bones of phosphate phosphate (2-3 meters).

       Above this relay calcareous rocks anti-gelling with very good specifications as the raw material for the manufacture of cement and other industries (0-45 m average 19 m) and return these rocks to composition Alrtkh (Eocene age). Depth of the groundwater in the area more than 200 meters and impressive compositional activity appears cracks main trend East - West cut phosphate sludge and divide it into several segments generally fall towards the north-east. The general trend for miles classes is toward the north by 4-5 m / km.

Mineral composition and chemical phosphate

     Metal phosphate only is Frenkolayt (Alabtaat Filordi Alcarboneta) located granules (Dmalq, Sriat, bones, ...... etc.) The material consists of coarse calcite Association to average shape. The overall rate for presence Frenkolayt in industrial phosphate layer is about 60% and the remaining phosphate is the most important components calcite

Extracting silver atoms of Radiology

Extracting silver atoms of Radiology
Extracting silver atoms of Radiology and paper accidents, fractures
Paper X user hospitals which depicts bones so extracted metal silver need large amount of paper, for example one ton or more or less ČÓ if you want to sell and earn the largest amount of paper is that benefit estimates obtained from any hospital because paper after use remains stacked stores hospitals large quantities of it and appreciates it gets cheap very seven riyals per tonne, for example more or less almost because they after store five years throwing him important after you get the paper you prepare some materials which soda twentieth kilo soda straw five kilometers Butasam tablets half a kilo or means to brown-making Saudi Arabia almost one kilo and be sure to take the means of acidification user from the hospital with paper rays understanding often throwing him is subject to large amount of silver atoms and can get all these materials from the market dark place after I brought these materials brought four grams large plastic and dictate water to only one-third and distributed materials all AMD part equal and watch well this material is very dangerous should take precaution with it and use the means of safety with you throwing paper rays sheet paper and used sticks to dip paper until DRAM filled paper ČÓ exceed the water and leave it for example from morning to evening, or vice versa depending on the circumstances your business Then you eject the paper from the DRAM and make sure that the liquid black like ink remains Baldramat thrown only paper you'll find mostly for the color became white transparent after get all the paper let DRAM for eight hours and distributed kilo semi all grams similarities found when Attarine and then you pull the water gently until you find hypertext black grouped down DRAM Assemble this dark matter alone Let required and repeat this process every grams and repeated even get rid of each paper and collect sediment alone Bstal day when you're dipping each paper Take deposition black and placed in any significant and fondness underneath the fire to dry the substantia nigra and become Soiland multiply even become all the dust and then Take this dirt to oven Haddad Bay industrial zone put it article by name Alsoagh found at stores accessories silver and gold amount three hundred grams and acetic mourning fond fire on them after forty minutes will turn dirt into liquid red like the volcano poured template and wait to cool down and beaten until it has passed impurities and you'll find silver, a metal finest silver at all and lineage purity 99.9 then sell silver at the market price

Everything about the coal

Everything  about the coal
the coal in a chemical reaction when the temperature is relatively low, it would be black blocks known coal properties depend on the material record and the circumstances of its formation, and contain different types of coal quantities of impurities that affect the properties .. Indeed, it is difficult to ascertain whether these impurities are mixed carbon or some of them associated closely chemically It is well known that the process of roasted any substance in stages, whether it is this interaction with industrial methods or in nature, wood in isolation from the air, for example like largely decomposition of organic materials and burn it underground after a long period of time, it is difficult to study in both cases steps or mechanical interactions that occur ... Usually defined those articles charred carbon ", and some economic importance .. The types of coal:" * "coal" * "coal is sedimentary rock for color, black or brown, composed of remnants of plants and mineral substances, combustible and giving thermal energy., Coal Stone more fossil fuels widespread in the earth's crust. and resides coal in layers with other types of sedimentary rocks, stone and sand stone mud. and resides in the coal residue leaves plants and wood and even roots. containing coal on: almost 90% of carbon. . -: be coal: - a. fall of large quantities of plants, and accumulation at the bottom of the swamp, and buried quickly with sediment other sand and mud. and by bacteria Anaerobic decompose organic compounds plant in part, any of increased concentration of the element carbon and lose them oxygen and hydrogen. These are called plant material analyst partly بالخث "peat" b. buried peat under the cover of sediments to a depth stop him antimicrobial activity. and the temperature rises and increases the pressure the greater the depth of burial, helping to save the peat and the expulsion of gases from him. and lead chemical reactions to increase the proportion of carbon, and this process is called Baltvhm, including producing coal brown "," c. process continues smut increasing depth of burial consists coal steel. d. Eventually, high temperature and pressure to a large degree out most of the hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen from coal former, It consists coal Alantra_i. "anthracite" -: coal mining: - very hard to extract coal bed dislodging what topped rocks and sandy mud, where it dug a tunnel from the surface of the mountain using drilling machines own, so access to the coal bed Vteixr and packed in trucks and transported out of the tunnel. -: preparing coal for use: - If, the coal is composed of organic materials are burning, and metal materials can not be burned. constitute metallic materials 10% -35% of the mass of coal. If he uses coal directly in the burn may cause these metal components some environmental problems. yours preferred purification of coal from its components metal before burning. and are refining a number of ways the most important way Chapter mechanical - gravitational - for metals. ranging mineral density that exist in coal from 2 g / cc to 5 g / cc. while ranging density coal pure than 1.3 g / cc to 1.7 g / cc. and used to separate these components water dissolved when some salts, or a solution commentator, which contains particles are very accurate, and density as high as metal Almagnat. and commonly used special equipment to complete the separation process. these devices contain cylinders revolving around itself. After obtaining coal pure dried and used in burning or in the production of coke, which is used in the manufacture of iron and steel. -: uses coal: - used coal in several areas including: the power station, and an old was used in the conduct of trains and ships steam. and because of the difficulty the use of coal for the purposes of everyday life take place some attempts and experiments to convert it to liquid fuel or gas user-friendly. On the other hand, can take advantage of coal convert it to useful materials and precious, has entered this organic material in the manufacture of textiles and plastics, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, perfumes .. "*" wood charcoal (charcoal) "*" attend heating wood in isolation from the air and in curves of iron produces distillation Unlike for wood charcoal some important products acetic acetone and alcohol methyl ... wood charcoal material black porous ignite easily and glow for a certain period or fails burned only about 1% of the ash, which is free of sulfur. The presence of plant tissue in charcoal and stone indicates that they of vegetable origin. charcoal man-made heating wood, and black color caused by the presence element carbon, but the fact that charcoal lighter than wood because the wood loses the amount of water when converted into charcoal and increases pores in it., water in the wood is also responsible for the thick smoke when burned. The fact that coal is heavier than charcoal attributable to metal components that are found in coal does not exist in charcoal. -: how to make charcoal: - combines wood in piles and covered with dust and heat about ten days. are heating burn fraction of wood due to the entry a small amount of air. provides this part burning the rest of the wood heat for heated and converted into charcoal. To convert wood into charcoal needed to get rid of oxygen and hydrogen present in vehicles Wood Member (cellulose). This is done by chemical reaction so that tends oxygen and hydrogen of cellulose transformed into an organic compound New contains less oxygen and hydrogen, increasing the proportion of carbon in it. -: Uses: - use charcoal in direct combustion for energy. usually limited to use some domestic purposes or cooking or barbecue. The country where there is a surplus of wood forests, can be converted into charcoal and then used in some large projects كتوليد electricity. As the time combustion amount of charcoal longer than the time of combustion similar amount of wood, plant heating value greater than wood. therefore uses in the preparation and purification of some metals that require carbon pure somewhat, is used for example in the purification copper, also used in purifying the spirit of some oils, and medical purposes other ... and charcoal ability to absorb certain gases and therefore used in the work of convictions protective of toxic gases .. also recommends some collect peel nuts and it send it to a special center is converted to charcoal Excellent .. also uses charcoal factories sugar refining as absorbs color brown dirty raw sugar, as it uses a buffer between refrigerators to keep it0s cold because cheap price and poor plugged heat ... "*" bone coal (coal animal) "*" attend heating bones, after the disposal of fatty substances in private معوجات .. -: Hardware: - contains 90% of the impurities left behind ash after fires .. - : Uses: -
 The advantage of this coal for its ability to remove the colors of the solutions, especially in the sugar industry, and is also used in the work of black paint your leather products .. and supports the use of charcoal and charcoal bones in the absorption of gases or dissolved substances on their superior in adsorption of these materials on the surface coal, called coal in this case the name of "activated charcoal" and activity depends largely on the nature of the material, which concluded including coal, as well as the circumstances in which smut can be increased activism coal processing private in vacuum in the presence of some inorganic salts .. differ adsorption capacity of coal to different article the adsorbent that difficult not adsorb easily .. adsorption may result in a material increase in the chemical activity that uses charcoal as a catalyst in some chemical reactions ... "*" the soot "*" consists of soot when decomposition warming for many of gaseous hydrocarbons, and make them come igniting tar or oil bitumen or naphthalene or paraffin oil, in limited space of air-cooled flame resulting in appropriate ways .. as well as when burning camphor produce this type of coal used by competitors in shooting ranges for shading officer goal in their guns and widening it to burning camphor smoke .. -: Uses: - outputs used in large quantities in the preparation of granules paint in black ink printing presses and other ... "*" coke "*" results from the destructive distillation of coal .. components: 90% carbon , 1% hydrogen, 3% oxygen, 5,0 - 1% nitrogen, and fails to burning 5% of the ash ... burning coke Non-Smoker flame ... Uses: used as fuel as well as in the reduction of some metals as oxides in the preparation of iron example of its oxides in blast furnace .. "*" Coal waves ​​"*" is composed as a backward operations charring different materials and when destructive distillation of coal, resulting in decomposition of some gases rising on the necks waves ​​that is where distillation .. and characterized coal waves ​​ and plugged Electricity is used in electrical work brackets and poles a lot of electrical cells

Using mercury in Gold Extract

Using mercury in Gold Extract
Uses workers in gold mines mercury in extracting gold from ore, because method is cheap and easy and therefore described this process in a way the poor in mineral extraction, a method used in some 70 countries and affect the health of those workers who estimated their numbers in the millions, where confirms specialists that mercury is a highly toxic attack machine central nervous which is particularly harmful to children. The rates of heavy exposure to this material can affect the growth of the mind and the kidneys and digestive system, and may lead to delays in physical growth.
And exposed miners who use traditional craft methods of mercury when mix mercury gold ore with their bare hands, and worse, when burning the mixture to extract gold from him, as they are then inhaled mercury vapor.
Says Julian Kibnberg - researcher interested in the rights of the child in the organization Human Rights Watch, which currently is working hard in order to reach a binding international agreement on mercury under the leadership of the United Nations Program for the Environment. The efforts to reduce the use of mercury in gold extraction methods craft is an important issue, but we have also the availability of a powerful approach to public health in order to protect workers traditional artisan mining methods. It must also not be limited to the treaty to address the issue of mercury as an environmental issue, but as one of the health issues right.
According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) is working to extract minerals from the most dangerous professions in the world. There are about almost a million children work in gold mining in Asia, Latin America and Africa, some of them start working at the age of six, have been documented by Human Rights Watch children's exposure to mercury in Mali and Nigeria. The girl said of the 11-year-old, from Mali, told Human Rights Watch: The crude is heated, so we put it a little mercury. Then rub raw mercury hands. Then, when the mercury are attracted to gold, put it on a metal box and نحرقه. When finished, I sell gold to a dealer. I do this every day. I know that mercury is a serious, but I do not know what the face of danger.
There infants are also exposed to mercury when they bring their children with them to workers extract gold and mixture is burned next to the children. As mercury can be transmitted to children through breast-feeding or the fetus during pregnancy.
Under international law, governments are prohibited from allowing children to work using mercury, and this is one of the worst forms of child labor. The law also demands international governments to improve environmental conditions, by preventing and reducing people's exposure to harmful substances, for example.
There are currently no simple alternatives to the use of mercury in gold mining traditional craft methods, but can greatly reduce the quantities, and can improve the methods to control its harmful effects, according to Human Rights Watch. Must be used by workers to extract gold custom containers that contain mercury vapor.
It should also ban harmful practices such as the use of mercury in residential areas. In its report, said Human Rights Watch that he should the treaty requires governments to adopt national action plans mandatory in order to reduce the use of mercury in the manufacture of gold extraction methods craft, and on governments to prepare a response plan for health care related to labor gatherings, particularly children, including the provision of laboratory tests and treatment for those affected by mercury, including the collection of health data, and training of health care workers, and create awareness among health facilities of the dangers of mercury.
Governments should go out plans with specific time frames in order to prevent the use of children and pregnant women to mercury, workers in small-scale and artisanal miners to extract gold. We must include these plans the issue of awareness, and enforcement of child labor laws, and programs to withdraw children from work artisanal gold mines methods in principle and set specific targets to reduce the use of mercury, a strong time plans 5, 10 and 20 yearsv

The fact Red Mercury

The fact Red Mercury

Spread among many among the people and the presence of large quantities of ancient treasures buried beneath the earth and they guarded the jinn has also popularized among them the ability of quacks and charlatans on the use of jinn in the extraction of these treasures. Have been linked to these beliefs as "red mercury" which confirms some its huge harness elves to extract these treasures and steal money from the coffers of the banks, and appeared accordingly so-called "Downloads" which practiced quacks and jugglers to download the stolen money to the customer through the use of gin. .
In this episode stand you on the fact "red mercury" and its relationship to extract treasures, and offer you the experience swindler repents to God was his experiences in this area, and we show you some issues fraud practiced by some to promote Red Mercury, and offer you finally see a legitimate about this It .. Through this episode exciting and full of strange tales about Red Mercury and extract treasures.

The fact Red Mercury

To know the truth, "red mercury" remind you of this incident: he fell into the hands of investigative journalist British "Gwynne Roberts," a report prepared for the attention of "Eugenie" Russian Foreign Minister, who was then at the head of a Russian intelligence, the fact substance red mercury.
The report stated that what was known as the Soviet Union began the production of this article in 1968 in the center of "Dubna" for Nuclear Research, and الكيماويين specialists know this article with this symbol (H925 B206) a density of material (23) grams per cubic centimeter. Have caused such a high degree of density confusion in the minds of Western scholars, as it is the highest density of any known material in the world, including pure metals .. It is known that the density of mercury used in measuring the temperatures of (6.13) grams per cubic centimeter, while the density of pure plutonium slightly less than (20) grams per cubic centimeter. Red mercury is very rare materials and the price could reach millions of dollars.
The story of red mercury associated with ancient and modern fairy demons and treasures. But it is actually much more dangerous than especially as it enters directly in the manufacture of advanced weapons, also used in making atomic activity in its different forms. Some argue researchers in archeology that there are already so-called "red mercury," a metal powder, red with radiation, are still used in operations related to nuclear fission and source manufactured and exported to countries around the world is some former Soviet Union countries, as Some gangs smuggling from inside the nuclear reactors there sold millions of dollars in some countries of the world.

Bottle, which had raised the issue

At the beginning of the forties of the last century was the discovery of a bottle belonging to a senior army commanders in Dynasty 27 "Amun. Fulfilled. Nakht" which was embalmed inside his coffin as a result of not being able to embalm his grandfather outside the cemetery because of the turbulent political events of his time.
Has begun to talk about Red Mercury originally after found archaeological Egyptian Zaki Saad means a brown color tends to flush down mummy "Amon. Fulfilled. Nakht" commander Egyptian armies during the era of the family (27) This remains liquid remains in the bottle bearing ring and logo The Egyptian government, and are located in mummification museum in Luxor. This is the bottle is the main reason for the spread of all the rumors about the so-called Egyptian Red Mercury. This cemetery has found her case did not open since been buried, and when it was open coffin your Bamoumia on "Amon. Fulfilled. Nakht" found beside means doing some materials used in the mummification process which is about (Salt نطرون, and sawdust, and resin Mastics, and fats aromatic, and linen rolls, Trentana).
As a result sealing the coffin on the body and materials mentioned, there have been a process of interaction between materials embalming dry and the body, produced this fluid that the situation in this bottle, and analyzed found that it contains (90.86%) fluids subhuman (water, blood salts, tissue thin) and (7.36%) metal salts (natron salt) and (0.12%) soapy solution (0.01%) amino acids, and (1.65%) embalming materials (resin, gum + protein).
The spread of news discovery this bottle to the occurrence of a lot of swindlers including press reported several years ago on exposure Arab figure prestigious process monument when monument by some selling bottle containing mercury Egyptian Red $ 27 million, has been free minutes of the incident under No. (17 768) administrative department misdemeanor monument, the Arab Republic of Egypt. One of the latest issues of red mercury those ordered by Major General Ahmed Shafi, Assistant Interior Minister for Security Giza transfer on behalf of the defendants for interrogation. The Investigation Giza had arrested a student named Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed and school teacher Osim's Giza governorate named Saber Mr. and possession flask containing mercury Red, claimed they whereby Astdla traces buried underground, and found detectives with them already on the artifacts belong to different eras and valued at seven million pounds in addition to means of red color, they said it helped them find the treasure and said the investigations that a third person used this red mercury in the preparation of the elves, and that this the elves led them to the effects buried beneath the home of one of them.

Confessions swindler repentant

About the relationship of red mercury fairy and extracted treasures .. Says Hamid Adam, a swindler repents to God and turned into an advocate, for this relationship: those reality though Gin asking Red Mercury, of Rights, which is expensive and may reach its price to hundreds of thousands, but millions of dollars, because each of the jinn nourished by it and assisted in prolonging old , and makes it a young man and gives him the power, this red mercury would not have any effect on the elves unless he got from the people. Without it does not affect it, but this request elves of the Antichrist and the sorcerer who deals with him to bring him this red mercury certain quantities strongly and purity arrive to (93.7%) and compared this gives elves human large sums steal from banks and presses the currency in different countries. The human con elves that give this money to use for a certain period does not exceed weeks or days by spending with money from the guard Gin and others Gin. So is "unloading" complex in accordance with agreements between the jinn and human, and Gin Gin.
And Hamid Adam admits that he did this work for the benefit of a person in 1995 and the amount (800) grams, has carried out the operation and brought to his elves money from the category of mercury per dollar. Hamid adds methods sorcery and change things to money and says he was foliage turns to money according to certain spells, some of them for a certain period and the other for a long time. I asked Gin once where to attend these funds, he said: It is one of Canada's Currency Press have. Hamid stresses that this work has nothing to do with religion or the Koran. And admits he learn this magic of Indian Sheikh met in the Nigerian on the Chadian border, a month who claim they know the perfect person or what they claim that dealing with God Almighty and the Prophet directly. It uses these quacks strange names they claim it's really surreal names for fools jinn who deal with them, and even gives these for themselves the aura they claim in the presence of spirits

The Iron extract

The Iron extract
After you finish the work detailed geological research on mineral ores begin exploitation process is intended exploitation (mining) group processes that lead to the extraction of raw materials.

The methods of mining ores depends on the geological conditions are therefore mining in two ways:

- Open mining method (surface mining.

- Underground mining method (subsurface mines.
The tipping point for the use of one of two ways (removal rate) and is defined as:

               "Percentage of tons of the waste (unwanted rocks) to tons crude"

         And thus the more this figure is going to work the mines under the surface and vice versa and thus determine the economic value of the mining method possible and suitability to the circumstances and nature of the crude
Surface mining (open):

    Given to a group corridors and open mining installations that are used to exploit

   Ores (open pit or quarry), and use the word (sector) instead of the quarry in

    Coal mining.
Being cut into horizontal slices raw materials when exploited in a way that the mine open. It takes quarry gradual form as a result of the exploitation of a number of these segments simultaneously.

Each part of these slides in the form of grades called (Balmustbh)

Each bench following elements as shown vertical sector of the mine surface: the upper surface (1), the lower surface (2), the slope of the terrace (3)

Upper eyebrow:

 Line is the intersection of the slope of the terrace with the upper surface

Lower eyebrow:

 Line is the intersection of the slope of the terrace with the lower surface

Mel slope terrace (α):

 The ramp-made corner terrace with the horizontal plane

Regression line mobile (4):

 Is the line between the upper and lower brow during exploitation

Angle gradient mobile (1 α):

 Is the angle made by the regression line with the horizontal plane moving in the Servant, the lowest side of the side slope angle is workable (α2) and ranging from 15, 30 degrees.

Angle of the slope of the regression line (β):

 Is the angle made by the regression line with the horizontal level and slope of the line varies with depth and stability of quarry rocks and ranges from 35: 50.

 (C 2):

Is the vertical distance between the upper deck surface and the lower and ranged between 15.10 meters


  Form dealing with the greatest depth of the quarry plans (height limit).

 Regression line (5):

 Is the line that connects the upper and lower brow of one of its aspects

General Specifications for the open pit method and parts of the quarry:

   Operating level: is the surface of the terrace that are placed upon extraction machines

   Mowers operations: These are raw materials extraction

   Displacement processes: This is a waste rocks deportations

   Main Altrnc: is a means of passage like the channel works to connect every level of operation

                      Levels which topped

 Altrnchat unequivocal: is an extension of the main Trnchat and works on the level of processing

                    Processes operating mowers and no miles.

Aspects: the side surfaces define the quarry and are divided into:

Dipset aspects: it is within which aspects mowers or displacement

Dipset aspects: are the aspects which are not mowers and offset processes and distributes them often spaces allocated for transport operations and other work to ensure the safety and use spaces

 Transport for transportation routes and distribution area determined the dimensions of carriers that move and the number of

 Roads required. The space allocated to ensure safety are used in block cutting rocks falling from a cliff terrace width not less than 1/3 the vertical distance between the surface terrace.

· Begin work mowers exploiting one side or both sides of main Altrnc and after the completion of the exploitation of one aspect Altrnc being exploited as a conduit.

· Exposed mining consists of the following stages:

   Open through to crude and processing operations offset mowers and each process consists of cracking processes, packaging, transportation, stackable.
1 - cracker: and is done by means of drilling and blasting in drilling wells and shipped with explosives and then

2 - Packing: Dredgers and is done by and that mobilization in the case of soft rock without

                 Use crackers.
                   Block: is part of the operating interface that exploits Pkrakh and one.
3 - Transportation: There are ways used in transportation such as cars (LORRY) and transportation

                On rails and belts.
4 - crumpling: the waste rock is placed in the form of piles in places dedicated to it

                           And use of cars (LORRY).
3.1.2 - Underground Mining:
 There are many methods used in the process of extracting crude using mines underground (underground) and supports the use of these methods mainly on the nature of the raw form of presence but these methods are similar in some basic features, namely the establishment of a well head of the Earth's surface to the site of raw materials which is used Transport and open the way to the level of crude and called (conquerors Parent) and it arises lanes and horizontal dividing crude vertically to floors and built tower higher transport corridor master, and near it held a special building placed the lifters to move the containers lift into the well, along with a well main transport arises wells assistant uses a director reserves to the Earth's surface and helps to provide weather conditions suitable for ventilation and equip this well also usually station help transport, and held station for ventilation on the earth's surface near the well Assistant and vary the distance between the wells the main transport and Assistant to different mode processing field mine and oscillating in the range of large of a few tens of meters to 2, 3 km

Copper Extract

Copper Extract
Copper is the third metal in the world in terms of usage, in the ranking after iron and aluminum. And is used mainly in the cyclical economic sectors such as construction and machinery manufacturing. Extracting lucrative of the metal on the low-cost mining techniques and is able to extract large amounts. The supply of copper sensitive to the political situation, especially in the countries in which they are extracting copper by state-owned companies. Uses most of the participants in the copper futures market for high-quality copper branch trading Commodities Exchange (COMEX), to mitigate risks arising from price fluctuations, copper contracts are also used as a means of investment.

Copper metal retractable, and enjoy the ability to deliver a very high heat and electricity. And pure copper metal malleable and malleable, uses thermal and electric conduit, and as a building material, and as part of the components of the mixed metal alloys. It uses copper and alloys mixed enters in the manufacture thousands of years ago. In the Roman era, the main copper mines located in Cyprus, and it is the origin of the name metal Cyprium or metal Cypriot, which was later shortened to Cuprum.

However, the existing reserves may not be sufficient to meet the high rates of copper consumption now. Still some countries, such as Chile and the United States has large reserves of this metal, are extracted from a large open mines. Extracting lucrative of the metal on the low-cost mining techniques and is able to extract large amounts, and the supply of copper is sensitive to the political situation, especially in the countries in which they are extracting copper by state-owned companies. Uses most of the participants in the copper futures market for high-quality copper branch trading Commodities Exchange (COMEX), to mitigate risks arising from price fluctuations, copper contracts are also used as a means of investment.

Factors affecting the copper market.

What affects the price of copper? There are many factors that affect the price of copper, including the seasons of the year, and investor and speculator confidence, inflation and fluctuations in the price of the U.S. dollar and U.S. equities, and political crises and international military, and increase the prices of other commodities or lower.

It is important to realize that the trading of industrial and agricultural goods carries many other factors that can lead to fluctuations in prices. Wars, weather, labor disputes could lead to a delay in the transport and consequently affect the prices on a daily basis

Manganese Extract

Manganese Extract
Seen manganese ore mainly in the form of secondary manganese oxides of the metal, which were recorded in many areas west of the kingdom, but did not register any occurrences of manganese deposits in sufficient quantities in reserves can be exploited yet. The following will be a brief narrative of the most famous sites of manganese deposits in the Kingdom, which lies mainly in the area of ​​Alkhniqih as well as along the eastern side of the base metal deposits as well as deposits of precious metals. Especially in those hosted carbonate rocks exist in the form of surface coatings on the rocks in some areas of mineralization, but the quantity is very negligible and has no economic importance. Was recorded amounts of manganese in the form of thin layers ranging in thickness from 1 mm to 2 cm in the depths of the Red Sea at the edges of the Atlantis II Deep.

Area Alkhniqih:
Concentrated iron and manganese oxides secondary in that region within the limestone lenses and which belongs to the pre-Cambrian periods, in the form of intertwined with the bodies of copper minerals - zinc sulphide the Alkhniqih area. Been identified metals manganese, which includes Alberozwait, and Almagenati, and Alheitrulat, and Alcalkuffinet, while reside metals manganese initial accompanying parts rich Balsvalerit in the bodies of mineralization but generally mineralized quantities not exceeding 1% or less of oxide manganese (MnO), and recorded the highest value in parts AlmtaxdhAlso extends ranges oxidation only to depths of 30 meters below the surface, or less so Vtkon amount of crude, which is characterized by a degree Sort high manganese few, this has not been extracted manganese commonly used materials of sulfides of copper, zinc during production processes and extraction of these materials as a by and also the objects manganese ores slim to be very mining work independently.

Alrgamh Formation:
The rocks Aldlomat located Bmtkon Alrgamh which exist along the shores of the Red Sea beguile of bearing rocks of manganese, which has been exploring crude which in many locations in North Trowel, which extends between longitudes 25 ° 00 'to 25 ° 32' North. And been replaced partially Aldlomat by manganese oxides. There are two locations of manganese have been selected and namely Mount Aldkhilan and Trowel North and two exploration Rasba lead and zinc. Most of the samples were collected from these two areas contain about 1% of manganese oxide and also the degree of sorting manganese oxide (MnO) where Aldlomat crumbly granules sharp angles, but the quantities of these materials rich Palmngenaz can ignore because I said it. Covering dolomite rocks content Bmtkon the directional more Alrgamh in the north and east of the Gulf of Aqaba between longitudes 28 ° 11 'and 28 ° 31' north, but the proportion of manganese oxide (MnO) in samples collected between 0.7 to 4.8%. Therefore, the low percentage of oxide manganese MnO in Dlomat Alrgamh were not encouraging for exploration but inseparability Activity associated geochemical world-famous between oxides manganese and those types of sedimentary rocks (rocks dolomite) encourage to do more prospective studies to achieve if there reservoirs of raw manganese is not prior disclosure or not.

Represents the bottom of the limestone algal (rich algae) and above the rocks Precambrian in composed cotton relationship does not compromise interconnected with iron stretch between (41 ° 45'-21 ° 44 ') east, which include thin layers and fill oxides manganese cracks and cracks also filled with Alruddocroset metal. The manganese layers thicker than 3 m. And contains samples that have been collected on the ratios ranging from 2.64 - 22.28% of the oxide manganese (MnO) and concentrated material manganese more in the direction of the north Bmtkon Mount Cotton at the intersection of 41 ° 43 ') east of 21 ° 58' North) and also works hand with Valley Althwairia.

Manganese surface:
 Common metals oxides manganese secondary surface in rock Almtsahbh with deposits of metals value, and tends manganese because concentrated in areas Algosanat advanced in those sediments, as well as develop Algosanat present in many of the residues of lead zinc - copper in carbonate rocks in the region, which extends between deposit nest Shuaib at the intersection (9 ° 15 'North 43 ° 40' east (even Mount Alamueriqh ('22 ° 19 North '35 ° 43 East) and recorded the amount of manganese in those areas too small to prepare as promising areas for manganese ore deposits

The usage of Diamond

The usage of Diamond

I was fascinated diamonds and gems humans since they were first discovered the existence of unique properties. For several centuries, has been marketing these properties, diamond and now very expensive and many things symbolize. Diamond refers to wealth and can also be the meaning of being one of the great emotional bonding between people. The diamond jewelry given significant others to be an indicator of the presence of a strong relationship and meaningful in today's standards. Despite its popularity, and few see a long ways and expensive that needs to be done to make the gems final appearance as we have seen in a jewelry store.

The exact chemical composition of the diamond a mystery for many centuries. In 1704, Newton assumed that was made even diamonds from carbon. Has been proven through testing different correct Newton during the late 18th century (Orlov, 1977). Due to the rarity and beauty of gems, has been studying several properties of diamond on a large scale. Perhaps the most prominent property of the stone is adamantine luster breathtaking. This feature relies on the perfection of the crystal surface. Last optical property is their reaction to UV or X-rays. When exposed diamond carries luminescence which can also vary in severity (Orlov, 1977
On the Mohs hardness scale, the diamonds are arranged to 10, making it one of the most difficult materials found in nature (Figure 1). This basically means that any other substance but can scratch diamond. However, it is still very fragile and diamond pave easily from stress to reach in a good hammer. This is caused by defects apparently small in the crystalline structure that weaken the crystal (Orlov, 1977). Density ranging from diamond 3.50 to 3.53 grams per cubic centimeter, and are present in a wide variety of colors ranging from blue, yellow, orange, green, black or even..

The importance of copper

The importance of copper

The body has on the amount of copper of not less than 100 mg; help - God willing - in the prevention of anemia known as anemia, also enters in the composition of certain enzymes, and deficiency leads to developmental disorder, anemia and can be obtained from meat, egg yolks, fruits and vegetables.

Industrial uses for copper and its compounds
Uses of copper important industry power cords as consumes about 40% of the copper produced in the world each year in this area, and because of the high specific heat of copper it uses as an intermediary for the transfer of heat in the heating and cooling processes, as it enters the industry types is very versatile of alloys, including the following : ffff
Brass (Brass): It is an alloy of copper and zinc, and brass resistant to atmospheric agents and chemical known and can be poured and polished, also has colors ranging from red to yellow to white in proportion to zinc in it, and is used in electrical wiring and making heaters and boilers.
Bronze (Bronze): It is an alloy of copper and tin, and the advantage of being resistant to chemical substances and severe stiffness.
Bronze alloys: composed by adding lead by 40%, making it flexible, and there are many copper alloy composition varies with functions which are manufactured to be performed