The Iron extract
After you finish the work detailed geological research on mineral ores begin exploitation process is intended exploitation (mining) group processes that lead to the extraction of raw materials.
The methods of mining ores depends on the geological conditions are therefore mining in two ways:
- Open mining method (surface mining.
- Underground mining method (subsurface mines.
The tipping point for the use of one of two ways (removal rate) and is defined as:
"Percentage of tons of the waste (unwanted rocks) to tons crude"
And thus the more this figure is going to work the mines under the surface and vice versa and thus determine the economic value of the mining method possible and suitability to the circumstances and nature of the crude
Surface mining (open):
Given to a group corridors and open mining installations that are used to exploit
Ores (open pit or quarry), and use the word (sector) instead of the quarry in
Coal mining.
Being cut into horizontal slices raw materials when exploited in a way that the mine open. It takes quarry gradual form as a result of the exploitation of a number of these segments simultaneously.
Each part of these slides in the form of grades called (Balmustbh)
Each bench following elements as shown vertical sector of the mine surface: the upper surface (1), the lower surface (2), the slope of the terrace (3)
Upper eyebrow:
Line is the intersection of the slope of the terrace with the upper surface
Lower eyebrow:
Line is the intersection of the slope of the terrace with the lower surface
Mel slope terrace (α):
The ramp-made corner terrace with the horizontal plane
Regression line mobile (4):
Is the line between the upper and lower brow during exploitation
Angle gradient mobile (1 α):
Is the angle made by the regression line with the horizontal plane moving in the Servant, the lowest side of the side slope angle is workable (α2) and ranging from 15, 30 degrees.
Angle of the slope of the regression line (β):
Is the angle made by the regression line with the horizontal level and slope of the line varies with depth and stability of quarry rocks and ranges from 35: 50.
(C 2):
Is the vertical distance between the upper deck surface and the lower and ranged between 15.10 meters
Form dealing with the greatest depth of the quarry plans (height limit).
Regression line (5):
Is the line that connects the upper and lower brow of one of its aspects
General Specifications for the open pit method and parts of the quarry:
Operating level: is the surface of the terrace that are placed upon extraction machines
Mowers operations: These are raw materials extraction
Displacement processes: This is a waste rocks deportations
Main Altrnc: is a means of passage like the channel works to connect every level of operation
Levels which topped
Altrnchat unequivocal: is an extension of the main Trnchat and works on the level of processing
Processes operating mowers and no miles.
Aspects: the side surfaces define the quarry and are divided into:
Dipset aspects: it is within which aspects mowers or displacement
Dipset aspects: are the aspects which are not mowers and offset processes and distributes them often spaces allocated for transport operations and other work to ensure the safety and use spaces
Transport for transportation routes and distribution area determined the dimensions of carriers that move and the number of
Roads required. The space allocated to ensure safety are used in block cutting rocks falling from a cliff terrace width not less than 1/3 the vertical distance between the surface terrace.
· Begin work mowers exploiting one side or both sides of main Altrnc and after the completion of the exploitation of one aspect Altrnc being exploited as a conduit.
· Exposed mining consists of the following stages:
Open through to crude and processing operations offset mowers and each process consists of cracking processes, packaging, transportation, stackable.
1 - cracker: and is done by means of drilling and blasting in drilling wells and shipped with explosives and then
2 - Packing: Dredgers and is done by and that mobilization in the case of soft rock without
Use crackers.
Block: is part of the operating interface that exploits Pkrakh and one.
3 - Transportation: There are ways used in transportation such as cars (LORRY) and transportation
On rails and belts.
4 - crumpling: the waste rock is placed in the form of piles in places dedicated to it
And use of cars (LORRY).
3.1.2 - Underground Mining:
There are many methods used in the process of extracting crude using mines underground (underground) and supports the use of these methods mainly on the nature of the raw form of presence but these methods are similar in some basic features, namely the establishment of a well head of the Earth's surface to the site of raw materials which is used Transport and open the way to the level of crude and called (conquerors Parent) and it arises lanes and horizontal dividing crude vertically to floors and built tower higher transport corridor master, and near it held a special building placed the lifters to move the containers lift into the well, along with a well main transport arises wells assistant uses a director reserves to the Earth's surface and helps to provide weather conditions suitable for ventilation and equip this well also usually station help transport, and held station for ventilation on the earth's surface near the well Assistant and vary the distance between the wells the main transport and Assistant to different mode processing field mine and oscillating in the range of large of a few tens of meters to 2, 3 km