
Saturday 6 April 2013

The ways of gold extract

The ways of gold extract

There are primitive methods to extract gold is the liquidation of small pieces of gold by water and other methods used machine
This Alsourtmthel some ways to extract gold mining and places
Information about gold and how to extract gold from the soil or from stones or impurities
Bright yellow metal in the form of blocks can reflect light either Cefaúha tortillas seems green or blue. The gold section Tkotaiaa a precise - like other metal powders is - فيتميز black while there are other types of gold ranging in color from ruby ​​and purple.
The gold in the transitional group number (11) of the periodic table, and atomic number (79), and atomic weight (196.967), and a weight of qualitative (19.3). Gold melts at a temperature of (1063) degrees Celsius, and boiling in the (2500) C. And gold is a good conductor of heat and electricity, and do in this status only silver and copper.
Since gold was widespread in many parts of the globe, in addition to the presence of free in nature, but hyperbole price and use money in various corner of the world has become know Acer knowledge of other metals. The natural qualities have made him a metal commonly known Vkther mentioned in books and many miners and workers about it. In the fourth century AH / tenth century, where Islamic civilization reached its peak and decorated palaces caliphs various kinds of gems and minerals brought from different parts of the vast Islamic state, interested in a lot of ways chemists purification of these metals. Peronist stated in his book Aljmaher know gems gold purification methods, which is not much different from the methods used today. Recalled Biruni in gold mining and filtered reads: "Some gold what Atcefy fire either rendered alone or distortion called Baqee him, and good Mukhtar called for cat because it captures the metal sector called Rkaza and concentrate metal if he found pieces, both metal silver or gold, and maybe not devoid of shop, liquidation Fajlsth even characterized Balapreez for salvation, and proves beyond the weight. "
The Peronist explain purifying gold when mixed with the soil or in the large stones, and describes the method used to extract gold, which like dirt and Ahadjrocefa accurate is not much different from what it is now. He says: "Perhaps the gold united stone like casted him Vahtej to accuracy, and mills crushed but that the accuracy Balmchajn most desirable and reported in the recitation even said to have aggravated red, so that if ratified surprised wondrous, and Almchajn are stones stretched on poles passports erected on running water to drive a , Kalhal in Samarkand in sounding cannabis Alkuagd, and if Andq essence gold and, vessels for its stones and all the gold with mercury, then the era of the piece whipped up out of mercury from its pores, fly what remains where it fire is called the gold Zibkie and Mzbaka and gold which reached the end that does not very behind clearance, as happened me بالتشوية a few times, does not affect the stake significant impact hardly related to it, and almost never rigidity out of the Koura, takes in deadlock when cutting bloating, and most likely in gold soft Alospronh ".
And touches Peronist to an ancient way used by the Indians to seize the gold by mercury, and explains this method explanation accurate luck says: "The water bond passing on Ihnd Reed Alguendhar when India River Gold, and some even do not praise hundred this reason and called on the principles of its sources hydrocephalus, then if Taking in the assembly called Kersh any black صفائه, and severity Khaddrth for depth, and if concluded alignment position fetish Shamil spot in Kashmir on SMT hand first named there is water Sindh ... In its sources positions digging where fossils, and the decision of the water is being above and Imlounha of Mercury turns up squint then Aotonha has become gold Zibgaha. This is because the water in its sharp run principle carries sand with gold, the wings of mosquitoes paper and smaller, and passes on the face of mercury the gold Faalq and leaves sand goes. " Then concludes gold from mercury way former Peronist mentioned.
Gold purification newly
Purification are newly separate gold dust, silt and other impurities by strong water currents remove the alluvial sand and minutes, and the remaining minutes of gold in place due to the high density of gold has been used mercury to melt the gold without sand and silt. Then concludes gold from mercury distilling the latter. Gold also draws a presentation at the copper and silver mining. There are chemical ways to extract gold, which draws as a way of cyanide, or melt the silver alloys in concentrated sulfuric acid, and purification are gold with nitric acid first, then electrolysis

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