
Sunday 2 June 2013

illusion and reality in the treatment of cancer gold and Genes

Treatments are modern and new began to appear in the recent period offer hope to cancer patients including those introduced already, such as gene therapy and laser therapy and radiation therapy, three-dimensional, including what is in the role of experimentation and expected to work a revolution in cancer treatment, such as treatment with gold as well as other drugs are still subject to laboratory-based on natural materials and if successful will achieve great success because it will not have serious side effects such as yeast therapy and toxic substances derived from poisonous fish and other treatments .. The question is: When the Egyptian patient benefit from these treatments..?
D. Hicham El Ghazali Professor of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, who was chosen recently by the European Society of Oncology best doctor global within 30 doctors others from different countries of the world and the only representative from Africa and the Middle East, which was chosen based on scientific research made by the meeting Assembly in Switzerland last month, says: scientists in a race against time to find a cure eliminates cancer as the number of cancer patients who have increased 10 million patients in the year 2000 is expected to reach increase to 50% by the year 2025, scientists predict the emergence of drugs and treatments eliminate cancer in a year or two at most.
In the recent period appeared treatments modern led to high cure rate of tumors high rates reached in some types of tumors to 99% of which has already been applied such as gene therapy and radiation therapy, three-dimensional laser treatment and some are still in the phase of experimentation on animals such as treatment with gold, which was discovered by the world Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, which is expected when it appears in the market that is revolutionizing the treatment of cancer, and some are still in the stage of laboratory experiments, such as treatment with yeast and treatment with drugs taken from fish which used natural materials aimed at the elimination of cancerous tumors Valsrtan a normal cells in the human body is divided wildly due to a malfunction in the control system division within cells has led to the emergence of a mass of cells called a tumor and then begin this block by clicking the lymph and blood vessels, which leads to the spread .. And the philosophy of cancer treatment based on the effect on these cells without other normal cells and its impact at the same time on the gene content of the cell.
Gene Therapy
The targeted therapy or gene therapy - continue d. Ghazali - the latest methods of treating cancer which affects the cancer cells alone and therefore can not grow and die completely in place and this is done using a combination therapy of new drugs ... Some of these drugs when directed to the cancer cells are cut off food supplies to cancer cells and therefore can not grow and die completely. And some of them will affect the signal route from the cell surface to the bar gene it without other cells, which leads to the destruction and preserve the rest of the healthy cells, and the other drugs affect the receptors that are found on the surface of the tumor cell and make it a shape distinct from the other becomes the target of these drugs.
Trojan horse
These drugs - by d. Ghazali - treatment is started out in Egypt in several centers and the problem is now in high prices, where are expensive but will drop their prices gradually spread use, and for the rest of the other treatments are attempts are not up to the level of scientific truth and there are other treatments to help assist in the elimination of the tumor without affecting also on the surrounding cells, such as radiotherapy three-dimensional radiotherapy variable intensity and radiotherapy for near three-dimensional characteristic and the impact on the cancer cells without affecting normal cells surrounding which are also available in Egypt and radiotherapy known influential, but the new treatment is characterized by reducing the side effects on the surrounding cells and the ability access to the tumor doses greater than lead to increased ability to eliminate the tumor completely and used in tumors of the prostate has helped to keep the members without eliminated surgically as was the case in the past, thus protecting the prostate, tongue, throat, breast and bladder tumors in parties and so-called treatment Reserve which leads to maintaining the User without eradicated and also keeping the form of the member and the function of an organ from after the great successes in the fight against cancer, scientists and research confirms and hopes to accept the world to completely eliminate the cancer within the next few years inventing and discovering drugs and new drugs have a greater capacity to eliminate the disease completely, and These drugs are what was announced at a conference malignant tumors in the city of Milan, Italy, where he doctors in the production of a new generation of drug chemotherapy for cancer treatment allows the use of doses intensive thereof without any symptoms negative side named it a Trojan horse because it hides under chemotherapy old and targeting malignant cells and announced scientists that he had succeeded in the treatment of many cancers.
The d. Imad Hamada Professor of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, added: Treatment router or drugs targeted are drugs modern is tailored specifically according to the gene's genetic patient and the stage of the disease and these drugs are taken either by mouth or intravenously and heading to the cancer cell directly and you close the cell receptor and prevent the arrival of signals from the cell and directed to the cell nucleus and that ordering it to spread and multiply, inflation and these drugs is antibiotics very special and modern medicine are installed and designed based on the results of laboratory pathology of the cell sick example of treating kidney tumors scattered as it was done through what is known as Balantrtheron or interleukin but rates response to these drugs were substandard and healing rates with the presence of a few severe side effects, making the scientists are turning to what is known as biological medicine and the discovery of cancer cell disease-causing genes.
This is the way the latest methods of treatment of tumors in the world or what is known as treatment-oriented and is used with or without chemotherapy and radiation depends on the analysis of biological cell tumor to grow and spread, as is one of the latest methods of treatment to attack the process of increasing the blood vessels that feed the tumor cell and reduce the spread of the rest of the body, lead to a reduction in tumor size and increase cure rates by 25% increase over conventional radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Dr. advised. Imad not to fear in terms of cancer treatment became available also become regular annual disclosure also available through the workplace or the family doctor and became detect cancer-causing genes is also available in the laboratory and Kasr El Aini Center is for the treatment of tumors, which was established by Dr.. Mahmoud Mahfouz its latest treatment techniques and is annually treating A case of radiotherapy on the latest technology and there are also minors Aini Unit of Nuclear Medicine are providing diagnostic services and treatment at economical prices for tumors of different unit for the treatment of tumors of children on the latest technology as well as the clinic daily hospital Abuaris Japanese and most cases are treatable free, as well as the treatment of cases at the state's expense and health insurance. The center is also in tumors Kasr El Aini gene therapy for tumors and tumors of the breast, lung, lymph nodes and found it slow-growing species and another aggressive type and the third type is very dangerous and the most prevalent species in Egypt fast-growing aggressive .. The symptoms of the disease inflation and swelling in the lymph nodes and often appear in the neck and the collar and underarms as well as lots of sweating during the night accompanied by a rise in temperature and weight loss significantly and must be at the onset of symptoms sampling of lymph nodes to see the type and untreated treatment router or gene where It is in the knowledge that the type of tumor in the early stages leading to stop the spread of the tumor, which leads to high cure rate and also achieves high results in cases of breast tumors not responding to hormone therapy.
Gold injection
D. On شبلة professor of physics at the National Center for Research and head of the research team to treat cancer gold says: is a cancer of the most common diseases worldwide and is known for his difficult to treat, so goes the flag in a race to find a suitable treatment saved mankind from the danger of this deadly disease In a glimmer of hope for a new reach her Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, an Egyptian who now chairs the Julius Brown, the American world of physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology - using nanoscale gold particles and this method relies on nano Minutes injection veins of gold .. Nanotechnology is considered a unit of measurement used in the time and is the thickness of the head hair 50 nano thousand ..
To the carcinogenic of the cell and then highlight the gold Vttold heat burn this section without the intervention of toxins into the body and is by cracking gold into small parts so be able to recognize the cancer cells only and rid the body of them without harming healthy cells with a success rate of 100% without any risk to the body, which is a great achievement in the treatment of cancerous tumors has earned Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed on top and Sam dollars in Science on this new treatment has already been tested on laboratory animals and phased out the cancer in America and is now being tested in three hospitals in America So the world waiting for trials.
Promising results
The d. Ne'mat Ahmed Zakaria Yassin Professor and Chairman, Department Alvarma Kolojy (Pharmacology) at the National Center for Research talking about this new treatment, saying: gold was used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, and the new, which used d. Mostafa El-Sayed in the treatment of cancer, where it is divided gold particles of nanometer in particular was the work experience of principle within the body to expose the gold lasers strongly certain and found that the size of the tumor began to fade and supposed that gold will cure all types of cancers, but which has been so far is the treatment of skin cancer and breast cancer trials at the National Center for Research are now to learn the safety of the dose used and the impact on the members of the body have already been tested on laboratory animals (mice big white) called rats on males and females under the skin for a period of 6 months in three different doses have already been identified dose is safe and the way in which will be used and currently is infected mice with skin cancer, breast to know the dose is also effective and safe at the same time and is supposed to end these tests within 6 months after the doctors specialists determine the appropriate dosage of the laser and then tested on patients volunteer for approval for trading in the market.
She adds: preliminary results of a promising practice, where he was already a dose safe is the most important step of it for any drug is to choose a detoxified as some drugs once they are on the market are withdrawn for lack of safety and can not leave the effectiveness of any medication only after reassuring over its safety and integrity of the members of the different body and make sure there are no serious side effects by laboratory methods and analysis.
Love Killer
In a new glimmer of hope for cancer patients managed Egyptian world of innovation Physical Therapy for cancer using yeast non-pathogenic Displayed in a conference entitled (cell death mechanism) held recently in the United States, where d noted. Mamdouh Ghoneim, an Egyptian professor of immunology at the University of Charles Drew School of Medicine and Science in his experiments laboratory when exposed cancer cells to amounts of yeast cells are devouring yeast - and then die and noted that the cells are attracted to the yeast in a process called Love Killer, where he conducted his experiments aid in test tubes during which expose cell cancers of the breast, tongue, colon and skin yeast In other experiments, yeast injection into cancerous tumors in mice with lung cancer at a late stage and found that yeast wiped out the largest amount of these cells in the lung.
The d. Mamdouh Ghoneim, a researcher at Charles Drew University, majoring in monitoring natural treatments for cancer, an expert in immune diseases and in the treatment of cancer and there are three inventions registered in his name in cancer treatment methods.
D. Hosni Shaker Professor of Urology at Ain Shams University and a fellow of the Universities McGill and Toronto, Canada, and a member of American Societies, European and control urinary International is resection of the prostate laser Alsiralaz 300 latest treatment for tumors of the prostate and is used in patients who suffer from diseases of blood thinners, heart and liver, as it does not cause any bleeding and is considered a cure very safe where close all vessels not accompanied by any absorption of liquids Unlike surgical treatment of traditional either conquest or laser, which is characterized by serious complications, especially as these processes take place in the Age big a bleeding and swelling in the brain and cirrhosis of the bladder neck in addition to that the patient can make the process of eradication Prostate and out on the same day .. And laser Alsiralaz 300 is a new type of optical mechanisms and is used in Germany, Turkey and North America and is the only Egypt in the Middle East, which introduced a device or method of treatment «laser Alsiralaz».
Toxic fish
The Egyptian new drug for the treatment of cancer has been deduced from the toxic fish reached by a team of researchers at the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Egypt.
D say. Mamdouh Fahmy director of the Institute, the idea of ​​the new drug came after scientific experiments conducted on toxic fish, where scientists discovered that the Egyptians toxic substance in these fish has a great ability to fight cancer diseases and prevent their spread in the body .. The fish is a fish ticks known as the rabbit fish, scorpion fish and rock fish and trials are still ongoing, but we lack modern equipment has been addressing foreign entities to extend the Institute

Gold In Electronics

Gold is used in electronics Valouselat the precision of gold to be so we can find gold electrical devices, very few amounts of, but imagine if we collected large amounts of electrical appliances and we were able to bring out the gold from these devices will be many weights. Metal recycling plants such as copper, aluminum, iron and tin are buying Used minerals and melt these metals in a new process called re-manufacturing and then sell these metals in the form of new raw materials for use in industry. Among the metals that are re-manufactured gold in the electrical appliances, where they collect molds electronic inside the devices and then they dissolve and operations very simple for separation of each chemical can be performed such work, when separate gold from iron and copper are compiled and poured inside special molds in the form of ingots of pure gold yellow gold. Do not rush in order to get a kilo of gold we collected more than 1,000 PC or Panel PC issue is not easy, but if he decides one that does this kind of work for him to collect a large amount of electrical appliances for that in addition to gold may have to sell copper and iron. The phenomenon of recycling metals is an old phenomenon, but after the surge in metal prices has become a business profitable, especially in poor areas, collecting everything metal unusable and sold by weight and then passed from dealer to last even to the factory prepared for recycling metals, there metals are melting even turn into a liquid and then the liquid is poured into special molds, sheet metal and the result can be used for industrial purposes

Modern uses of Gold

When thinking man in possession of gold, The first Maevkrfait and comes to mind is the jewelry, but the precious metal is used in areas other than the jewelry industry - including space vehicles, medicine, etc.
Gold is one of the most sought after metals on the planet. Gold was obtained in the form of grains of rock and placer deposits. Yellow gold color glossy Zahi which increases the beauty of this metal. Everyone knows that it uses a large part of the gold in the jewelry industry, but besides the jewelry industry there are other uses for gold.

1 - Use of Gold

Rights gold has been used for several centuries. Gold mining statistics indicate that he was extracted nearly 161000 tons of gold by humans until now usually only used on jewelry and gold today as a vital component in various other fields, including electronics and space
Currency and Jewelry Industry
It has been used in the manufacture of gold ornaments and Currency Exchange since about 6000 years ago. It uses about 50% of the total gold mined today in the manufacture of jewelry. Gold range of different properties, and those properties luster and ability to resist oxidation in air and water, and make it a popular choice when it comes to making ornaments made gold bullion from the mixing pure gold to copper and silver , and Yadi mixing gold with those metals to solid gold, which benefited from while making gold jewelry. However, this alloy of gold, produced by mixing it with some other metals, and it has a low value compared with its pure form. Being portable and durable, gold has been used in financial transactions long ago. Tradition continues even today, where they are kept gold bullion or gold bullion and currency backup by various organizations that deal in the field of finance.

2 - Electronics
This may seem surprising, but gold is also used in various electronic devices, ranging from calculators and computers. Even mobile phones and television sets that you use in everyday life, Those devices contain a small percentage of the precious metal. Gold is an effective conductor of electricity, and more importantly, it does not corrode like other metals used in electrical appliances. It is used in connectors and joints and connect the wires, etc.
Due to its property of being a good conductor, and gold is used in computers as well. In the computer system, and different parts are made of this metal working to facilitate the accurate transmission of digital evidence dramatically
3 - Gold Asnhaddm in the pharmaceutical industry and medicine

In medicine, gold is used in the diagnosis, as well as the treatment of some cases. In the treatment of cancer, radioactive particles from transplant
 Gold in tissues serve as sources of radiation. Gold is also used in the diagnosis of irradiated some cases. In a disease characterized by the inability of people to close his eyes, is planted a small amount of gold in its upper eyelid to close his eyes. Be chemically inert and non-allergenic in nature, used gold bullion, fillings, crowns and orthodontic appliances in the field of dentistry
3 - Aviation Industry
Being rely on gold mainly in the aviation industry, gold has several uses in the field of space technology. Among those employed gold plated is used in the manufacture of spacecraft helps to reverse the infrared, and helps stabilize the temperature inside the vehicle, it is used in Aldoaúralkahrbih and due to the fact that gold is a good conductor of electricity, and gold is used to lubricate the various mechanical parts and organic lubricants are hardly of any use in the vacuum of space, where radiation is much more than on the face of the earth
Unlike uses of gold, which I mentioned earlier, used Aldahb in Snaahzjaj designer and antiques medals, etc. For all those who thought that it was only used this precious metal for decorative purposes, you should now know better about the different uses

Gold in Satellites

In the year 2000: Use Observatory in Hawaii, astronomers giant mirrors giant gold-plated observatory ever Telescope , and in order to monitor more accurate images of the planet Neptune and Uranus.
* The gold is used in electronics and through links gold-plated in the computer, telecommunications equipment, household appliances, such as televisions, washing machines, and films of high or heavy-handed circuits Minor, which requires the development of toothpaste went like ink on a ceramic base.
Gold is also used in space and in the coating of aircraft engines, missiles and helps gold as opposed to the heat and also gold-plated sheets used as a shield from radiation in the satellite and space allowances men.
Gold is used in the industries of electrical and electronic particularly in printed circuit conductors and in particular in the sub-links made ​​of silicon coated and Blamkan be used to cover the windows, helping to mitigate and reduce the infrared At the same time let in enough light The wires gold bullion are used in measurement equipment and measurements thermal

Many uses for gold

* Of potassium gold Saened, rollers are used in gold jewelry and lipstick cans and lighters, and the liquid gold is used in decorating ceramics and glass.

Gold is also used in the field of medicine where the gold solution used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, bone infections, as well as in dentistry since the year 3000.

* The gold is used in electronics and through links gold-plated in the computer, telecommunications equipment, household appliances, such as televisions, washing machines, and films of high or heavy-handed circuits Minor, which requires the development of toothpaste went like ink on a ceramic base.

Gold is also used in space and in the coating of aircraft engines, missiles and helps gold as opposed to the heat and also gold-plated sheets used as a shield from radiation in the satellite and space allowances men.

The South Africa and the United States, Canada, Australia, China and the Philippines are the main producing countries in the world and went different ways to get the gold depending on the type of sediment and gold is obtained are very important steps:

1 - get a raw

2 - the separation of gold ore

Gold and Industry

Gold is used in the industries of electrical and electronic particularly in printed circuit conductors and in particular in the sub-links made of silicon coated and Blamkan be used to cover the windows, helping to mitigate and reduce the infrared At the same time let in enough light The wires gold bullion are used in measurement equipment and measurements thermal

Saturday 6 April 2013

The ways of gold extract

The ways of gold extract

There are primitive methods to extract gold is the liquidation of small pieces of gold by water and other methods used machine
This Alsourtmthel some ways to extract gold mining and places
Information about gold and how to extract gold from the soil or from stones or impurities
Bright yellow metal in the form of blocks can reflect light either Cefaúha tortillas seems green or blue. The gold section Tkotaiaa a precise - like other metal powders is - فيتميز black while there are other types of gold ranging in color from ruby ​​and purple.
The gold in the transitional group number (11) of the periodic table, and atomic number (79), and atomic weight (196.967), and a weight of qualitative (19.3). Gold melts at a temperature of (1063) degrees Celsius, and boiling in the (2500) C. And gold is a good conductor of heat and electricity, and do in this status only silver and copper.
Since gold was widespread in many parts of the globe, in addition to the presence of free in nature, but hyperbole price and use money in various corner of the world has become know Acer knowledge of other metals. The natural qualities have made him a metal commonly known Vkther mentioned in books and many miners and workers about it. In the fourth century AH / tenth century, where Islamic civilization reached its peak and decorated palaces caliphs various kinds of gems and minerals brought from different parts of the vast Islamic state, interested in a lot of ways chemists purification of these metals. Peronist stated in his book Aljmaher know gems gold purification methods, which is not much different from the methods used today. Recalled Biruni in gold mining and filtered reads: "Some gold what Atcefy fire either rendered alone or distortion called Baqee him, and good Mukhtar called for cat because it captures the metal sector called Rkaza and concentrate metal if he found pieces, both metal silver or gold, and maybe not devoid of shop, liquidation Fajlsth even characterized Balapreez for salvation, and proves beyond the weight. "
The Peronist explain purifying gold when mixed with the soil or in the large stones, and describes the method used to extract gold, which like dirt and Ahadjrocefa accurate is not much different from what it is now. He says: "Perhaps the gold united stone like casted him Vahtej to accuracy, and mills crushed but that the accuracy Balmchajn most desirable and reported in the recitation even said to have aggravated red, so that if ratified surprised wondrous, and Almchajn are stones stretched on poles passports erected on running water to drive a , Kalhal in Samarkand in sounding cannabis Alkuagd, and if Andq essence gold and, vessels for its stones and all the gold with mercury, then the era of the piece whipped up out of mercury from its pores, fly what remains where it fire is called the gold Zibkie and Mzbaka and gold which reached the end that does not very behind clearance, as happened me بالتشوية a few times, does not affect the stake significant impact hardly related to it, and almost never rigidity out of the Koura, takes in deadlock when cutting bloating, and most likely in gold soft Alospronh ".
And touches Peronist to an ancient way used by the Indians to seize the gold by mercury, and explains this method explanation accurate luck says: "The water bond passing on Ihnd Reed Alguendhar when India River Gold, and some even do not praise hundred this reason and called on the principles of its sources hydrocephalus, then if Taking in the assembly called Kersh any black صفائه, and severity Khaddrth for depth, and if concluded alignment position fetish Shamil spot in Kashmir on SMT hand first named there is water Sindh ... In its sources positions digging where fossils, and the decision of the water is being above and Imlounha of Mercury turns up squint then Aotonha has become gold Zibgaha. This is because the water in its sharp run principle carries sand with gold, the wings of mosquitoes paper and smaller, and passes on the face of mercury the gold Faalq and leaves sand goes. " Then concludes gold from mercury way former Peronist mentioned.
Gold purification newly
Purification are newly separate gold dust, silt and other impurities by strong water currents remove the alluvial sand and minutes, and the remaining minutes of gold in place due to the high density of gold has been used mercury to melt the gold without sand and silt. Then concludes gold from mercury distilling the latter. Gold also draws a presentation at the copper and silver mining. There are chemical ways to extract gold, which draws as a way of cyanide, or melt the silver alloys in concentrated sulfuric acid, and purification are gold with nitric acid first, then electrolysis

The steel Alloys

The steel Alloys

Ferroalloys plays an important role in the manufacture of all types of steel where these alloys contain key element such as chromium, manganese, silicon, titanium, vanadium, and others in addition to iron. The intervention of these alloys in the steel industry as Tsopkyh elements to improve the mechanical properties of the steel product. As also be used as shorthand for the purification of oxygen steel. These alloys are divided into several types, a high-carbon alloy, medium carbon and low carbon. Using electric arc furnaces in the production of most of the high-carbon ferroalloys The medium carbon and low carbon are produced by inflating high-carbon alloy by oxygen in oxygen converters. And alloys can be produced low or zero-carbon Balachtzal aluminum or silicon inside or outside the oven.
The production is in Egypt alloy high Elviromngenaz carbon in Sinai Manganese Company and ferrosilicon alloy in the Egyptian Company for ferro alloy and other alloys are imported from abroad.
The research team has succeeded IT department steel research and development center in the production of many metals of ferroalloys on an industrial level half such as Elvirotianyum alloys and Elvirokrom (high and low carbon) and Elvirovanadiom nickel and Alveronichael silicon and manganese. I have been using alloy Elvirotianyum in the production of high-strength steel in factories Delta Steel Company civil Metal Industries was also used this alloy in some foundries such as Foundry Company Egyptian Iron and Steel Foundry experimental research and development center metals.
Has also been producing ferrosilicon magnesium alloy semi-industrial level and on an industrial scale, the Egyptian Company for ferro alloy ingot was used successfully producing El-Nasr Castings and Greater Cairo Foundries to produce Ductile and gave similar results for imported alloy

Electrolytic copper purification

Electrolytic copper purification

You can refine copper - after extraction of raw materials - electrolysis, configuring ELECTROLYTIC cell where copper to be purified is the anode, while the cathode is a pure copper wire, and copper sulfate electrolyte (CuSO4) II, which dissolves in the solution
 - At the anode:
There are the following types H2O, SO42-a, pole of copper is pure (containing pole copper is pure impurities different each active him of such metals Zn, Fe and oxidized to cations Zn2 +, Fe2 + remains dissolved in the solution, and some less than active, such as metals, silver, platinum and gold, and that fall from the pole as a result of corrosion in the image of atoms in the bottom of cell analysis) and where that effort shorthand polar copper lower than water and sulfates, this oxidized atoms of copper electrode is pure and turn into cations dissolved in solution
B - at the cathode:
There are the following types H2O, Cu2 +, and where that effort reduction of water at the cathode =-0.41V, while effort reduced copper = + 0.34 V, and the most active metal cations of copper for this reduced copper cations to copper atoms deposited on the cathode
As a result purification electrolytic copper are:
Transmission of copper anode and deposition on the cathode
While turning zinc and iron impurities in the pole cations

The beginning of diamond Discovery

The beginning of diamond Discovery

At first diamond was discovered in meteorites by Erofeev and Lachinov in 1888. It was assumed highly exact origin of these diamonds in meteorites. Some scientists believe that diamonds form because of the high pressure deep in the planetary bodies (Orlov, 1977). Another hypothesis suggested that the popular diamond-shaped impact with the ground, that would provide materials to a high pressure (Orlov, 1977). However, the extent of diamonds in extraterrestrial rocks is one minute. Diamond mining on a large scale, we must look at our planet.

Terrestrial volcanic rocks

The occurrence of major geological of diamonds in kimberlites found in the upper sections of the Earth's crust. According to Orlov (1977), "was found on the first urgent bearing kimberlites in Kimberley South Africa and De Beers" (p. 160). Kimberlites Join exist only in the middle of a stable tectonic continents known as shields or platforms. They also occur pipes, dams, and veins, and thresholds consist of alkaline volcanic rocks rich. Researchers believe that can be attributed to such intrusions of magma alkalitic of upper mantle paid in systems is a big mistake to the upper areas of the earth's crust (Orlov, 1977).

Studies have shown that kimberlite pipes (Figure 2) occurs more easily near the marginal areas of the earth's crust with bows. This shows the deep divide systems with intense pressure from the previous upwelling of magma. And usually suppress kimberlite pipes form known to contain high levels of xenoliths of sedimentary rocks. This causes popular during the invasion of the upper part of the deep when he sits platform happens rocks along the way of the rising magma. Times dominant volcanoes diamond-bearing kimberlite signed during the Precambrian and early Paleozoic (Orlov, 1977).

Economic feasibility of phosphate

Economic feasibility of phosphate

  (Initial signs of a feasibility study
       The key factor for the success of the investment in this project is the possibility of crude phosphate concentration in physical ways compensate for the costs of a few costly methods that require multiple systems engineering with high costs, as well as highlight the following points: -

· There is a need to increase the production of phosphate fertilizers in Iraq to meet the local need.

· There is a need inside and outside Iraq for phosphoric acid.

· The existence of large markets of phosphate  fertilizers and phosphoric acid in Asian countries with enormous populations like China, India, Pakistan, and Iraq closer to these countries from the rest of the phosphate-producing countries such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan.

· Provide basic infrastructure in the vicinity of the proposed site and are summarized as follows:

- Plan for the railway linking post and then Baghdad.

- Paved Road for cars and tankers linking the region woodwork and humid.

- Power lines for high pressure (noting that in the current circumstances can not rely on the national network of electric power for the inadequacy and continuity are advised to erect power generators for the project).

- Fresh water tube.

- Residential and health services in the site.

- Availability of human labor in the region